How to minimise the effect on your health

Goitrogens and why do they matter?

A goitrogen is a compound found in foods that can interfere with your body’s ability to utilise iodine and produce thyroid hormones.

Thyroid hormones are involved in a wide range of functions within the body including your metabolic rate, energy production and cell growth.

If you are iodine deficient or have low thyroid function – AKA have hypothyroidism, autoimmune hypothyroid disease (Hashimoto’s), or subclinical hypothyroidism – it’s important to be aware of foods that contain goitrogens as they can inhibit the natural production of thyroid hormones.

Goitrogens are found in a wide range of healthy foods including veggies, soy products and seeds. 

To minimise the effect that goitrogens have on your thyroid health we recommend these 5 tips: 
1. Learn what foods that contain goitrogens – broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, kale, Chinese cabbage, mustard greens, kohlrabi, canola oil, peanuts, pine nuts, millet, radishes, horseradishes, cassava root, soybeans (including edamame) and soy products including soy milk, tofu, soy sauce, tofu and tempeh. 
2. Avoid consuming goitrogens in high amounts. 
3. Eat goitrogenic foods cooked – not raw.
4. Ditch soy milk and instead opt for alternatives such as nut milk (almond, hazelnut, or macadamia), coconut milk, or organic cow’s milk. 
5. Include green vegetables that do not contain goitrogens, such as beetroot leaves, baby spinach and rocket.

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