Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 9am-5pm + Sat 8am-1pm
What happens in a session with a Psychologist?
Psychologists help people by listening to their concerns, assessing what may be of therapeutic benefit and then provide support, advice and various types of psychological treatment.
Psychology sessions begin with an overall assessment, which involves the psychologist spending some time to assess and understand your situation. The psychologist will usually spend a lot of the first consultation listening to your concerns and asking questions so they understand your concerns and goals. With children this may be a combination of talk and play. After an assessment consultation, the psychologist will work with you to implement and practice specific evidence-based and effective techniques and therapies that will help to bring about lasting change.
Our psychologists are trained professionals with expert knowledge and clinical skills. They aim to build a supportive and empathetic relationship with each client, through actively listening to and understanding each individual’s unique situation, emotions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and actions, and providing support and guidance throughout the process.